Sunday, September 25, 2011

Atticus rubbing cetaphil into his hair

and face

Trying on my gardening gloves

Monday, September 19, 2011

18-month stats:

weight: 28 pounds, 3 ounces; 90th percentile
height: 34 3/4 inches (the nurse did a very rushed haphazard job on this, so we wonder about the accuracy); 98th percentile
head circumference: 19 inches? (I can't quite make out the writing); 74th percentile

Atticus is repeating more and more words. I wouldn't say his vocabulary is huge, but it's growing. Some words he's been using more routinely lately include "shoes," "teeth," "bath," "eyes," and "me" and "mine."

I've probably mentioned this before, but Atticus loves to vacuum and is frequently requesting that we take out the vacuum for him. Sometimes he plays pretend vacuum by pushing his old-fashioned bead popper and dragging a telephone behind him. Creative, no?

He's also big on climbing. This morning I barely looked away for a second to put a dish in the dishwasher, and when I turned back, he was sitting on top of the dining table, casual as can be. It was Poltergeistish: instead of chairs suddenly stacked on the table, think cross-legged toddler.

When we play blocks, he tries to lift blocks I've stacked from the base ever so carefully so that the structures don't collapse. And when I put puzzle pieces together, he tries to lift them together without separating them. When they do separate and he's unable to piece them together again, he gets angry and gives the pieces a beating.

Atticus loves, loves, loves stickers, and he's become a pretty big fan of play-doh. He loves to watch me cook and is eager to help in any way he can. He also enjoys trying to jump--he's getting close.

He's been going to sleep on his own for nearly a month now, even for naps. I sing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," then kiss him and tell him goodnight. He lays down without any protest whatsoever. It's been a serious life-changer.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today another kid bit Atticus on the cheek because Atticus laid on top of him. According to his caregivers, he was trying to give the other kid some love, but the other kid did not reciprocate to his overtures. My poor baby. I guess it's good to learn about boundaries, but I hope he doesn't learn not to be loving and sweet or else you get bit or screamed at. That's one of the other reactions he gets, I'm told. Apparently, Atticus is one of the most loving kids in the room--generous with hugs and petting (e.g., caressing the cheeks of other children). I was shocked to hear this. He's like that with us, but I've never seen him behave that way around other children. Usually, he regards the other kids at our play dates with suspicion, and if they invade his personal space, he screws his eyes up at them and leans away. How amazing, and kind of sad for me, to find out that he already has a secret life that I don't know about. I thought I had a few more years...

Tonight Atticus lay his head on my shoulder and hugged me as I rocked him and sang to him before bed. That may very well be a first. Usually he's nursing. I think it was the most wonderful long hug I've ever received. He felt so good, I was tempted to stay in that chair and hold him all night long.