Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today another kid bit Atticus on the cheek because Atticus laid on top of him. According to his caregivers, he was trying to give the other kid some love, but the other kid did not reciprocate to his overtures. My poor baby. I guess it's good to learn about boundaries, but I hope he doesn't learn not to be loving and sweet or else you get bit or screamed at. That's one of the other reactions he gets, I'm told. Apparently, Atticus is one of the most loving kids in the room--generous with hugs and petting (e.g., caressing the cheeks of other children). I was shocked to hear this. He's like that with us, but I've never seen him behave that way around other children. Usually, he regards the other kids at our play dates with suspicion, and if they invade his personal space, he screws his eyes up at them and leans away. How amazing, and kind of sad for me, to find out that he already has a secret life that I don't know about. I thought I had a few more years...

Tonight Atticus lay his head on my shoulder and hugged me as I rocked him and sang to him before bed. That may very well be a first. Usually he's nursing. I think it was the most wonderful long hug I've ever received. He felt so good, I was tempted to stay in that chair and hold him all night long.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post. Really can feel it. Glad to hear he is loving and interested in others. And the long hung...yum.
