Monday, November 21, 2011

  • Atticus does a mean impersonation of our blender's smoothie setting. We haven't yet managed to capture it on video though.
  • He knows the very long (60+ songs) animal songs album we listen to in the car so well at points that he anticipates what song is coming on next and makes the appropriate noises (e.g., "baa baa" as "Baa Baa Black Sheep" is about to begin).
  • He loves baked kale chips, and this is the only vegetable he is guaranteed to eat anymore. He seems to prefer crunchy, crispy textures to mushy ones.
  • He enjoys watching football with his daddy, and is constantly announcing "touchdown" and throwing his arms up in the air the way Chris taught him.
  • He's engaging more and more with the books we read together before bed--naming things, asking what things are, etc.
  • He doesn't like blemishes--be it the page he tore in the back of Green Eggs and Ham or food on his bib or his hands or, god forbid, his clothing.
  • He loves to bark along with Mel the dog during the musical introduction of Jack's Big Music Show (video to soon follow).
  • He's getting into Elmo too.

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