Monday, March 18, 2013

Watching the coy and turtles in the pond at Civano nursery.

Tonight while we were running through Civano, he said "Hey, look at that big house! I don't live in a big house. I just live in a little house with my mommy and daddy."

At dinner, "I'm Atticus, and you love me."

He had a rough time at swim class yesterday. He said he wanted to return to the baby pool so that I could swim with him. He cried throughout most of the class. I talked to one of the teachers at the school about it and suggested that maybe it would help if we start trying to take him swimming more outside of class (as in at all really) so that he gets to continue to enjoy swimming with us... that maybe that will make swimming without us on Sundays easier. She agreed and suggested we bring him to family swim night at the pool this Friday. I told Atticus about it tonight while I was giving him a bath, and he said, "I swim with mommy and daddy? That will make me happy." Then he said, "I'm happy right now."

Later when I was getting him ready for bed (books, pajamas, and teeth-brushing), and he was just about ready to go get his daddy to put him to bed, he said, "Sometimes I don't like daddy." I said, "Sometimes you get angry at him?" "Yes," he said. "Sometimes you get angry at me too, right?" "Yes." Me, "And sometimes I get angry at you too, but I always love you."

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