Tuesday, March 4, 2014

From the Hermosa Montessori March newsletter:

PreK/ Kindergarten
Mary, Katie & Leslie’s Class
The pre-school and kindergarten classrooms have
a multitude of learning activities that include
academic lessons in science, math, social studies, English
Language Arts, physical activity, music, movement,
art, health and safety skills, social communication, and
virtue development. Since our young students are still
developing their oral communication skills, they often
cannot tell you what they are learning. Here are some
the activities that students in Mary’s class most enjoy:

Xander – sand table
Kai – painting on porch
Santino – multiplication fact book
Gus – making ghosts
Ezra – sandbox
Azaan – drawing dinosaurs
Zaden – continent song
Noemi – big sandbox
Lucy – practical life
Megan – writing about kitties
Morgan – making dresses in art
Shelbie – working with mineral spheres in science
David – making paper T-rexes
Scarlett – reading in library
Rylee – I am interested in every book
Lyla – I like to draw cats
Sophie – continent map
Tyler – bead chains in math
Solomon – hanging chains (math)
Claire – making slides in art
Autumn – reading in the library
Abigail – calendar
Atticus – writing stories
Juliette – do pictures

Yep, he comes home with a new story practically every day. Of course, we tell stories on the rides to school every morning and just about any chance he gets he wants me to tell him a story or for us to collaborate on making up stories. :)

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