Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the beach

We took our first family vacation Labor Day weekend--went to the San Diego area (more specifically, Carlsbad, to visit Mike and Lauri and kiddos [I thought I hated that word, but have found myself using it from time to time lately]).

Chris declared that Atticus was too young to play in the sand, that he might eat some of it (as if all hell would break loose if that happened). Lucky for Atticus, mommy thinks babies should eat all the sand they want. What harm can come from a few gritty diapers?

Risa kept telling Atticus that this was her bucket, and that he should get his own. "Baby Atticus, don't take my bucket!" Baby Atticus was also instructed not to pull hair.

sand beard--maybe he's trying to imitate his Grandpa Jimmy?

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