Tuesday, February 1, 2011

food update

Atticus loves meat. He loves salmon (which he had for the first time this week), chicken, and turkey. Those are the three meats he's tried thus far anyhow. When there's meat on his tray, he eats every last piece of it (or almost) before moving on to the other offerings.

He also loves broccoli, bananas, blueberries, yogurt, and anything bread- or cracker-like (e.g., bread, oatmeal cookies, cheerios, rice crackers, rice waffles, teething biscuits).

He tasted cantaloupe, lentils, and onions for the first time this week. All seemed to meet his approval.

Tonight I made him broccoli cheese 'nuggets.' I combined broccoli, cheddar cheese, egg yolks, bread crumbs, oregano, basil, and pepper; molded them into balls; and baked them. He liked (as did Chris and I).

And has it really only been a little over a month since Atticus stopped sleeping in our bed? It feels like it's been so much longer, not that I'm complaining. A baby who sleeps through the night in his own bed is a lovely, lovely thing.

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