Monday, February 7, 2011

Today I trespassed into the tot lot in the neighborhood next to ours so that Atticus could swing in the toddler swing for the first time. He was thrilled, and proud I think, to be swinging all on his own. I'll have to bring my phone to get a picture next time. He cried quite a bit when I took him out of it--even after twenty minutes of swinging! But then he was quiet in the jogging stroller as I ran us home.

At home, he fed me a whole bowl full of puffs. The few puffs that he did put into his own mouth, he proceeded to take out of his mouth and feed to me as well. Let me tell you, one puff doesn't seem so bad, but a bowl full is pretty nasty. I don't get the appeal.

Then after dinner (of real food--not puffs), I took him to the gym to watch Chris's basketball game. Atticus enjoyed being there while the guys were warming up. He crawled around the seemingly endless expanse of floor. He pushed around a basketball. He kept chasing after daddy despite that he was busy shooting and dribbling. As soon as the game begun, he was ready to go home. The whistles, the grunts and footfalls of men, the little girls chearleading... it was all too much for him.

On another note (and future Atticus, I'm sorry if this is too much information), Atticus has a most unfortunate habit of experiencing the majority of his bowel movements in his sleep. This is not a good situation for either one of us, as you might imagine. Some mornings he's awoken as early as 5 and can't fall back to sleep after I change him. Other mornings, I change him at 4ish, and he does go back to sleep, but the diaper change is horrendous. That kid puts up a fight like you wouldn't believe, even though it's clear he's not happy in the dirty diaper and won't fall back to sleep unless I change it. He cries and screams almost to the point of hyperventilating. He kicks so hard that it's almost impossible to keep his legs out of the dirty diaper, not to mention I end up getting kicked in the face from time to time as I'm trying to clean him up. And it's not just the mornings either. It happens during his afternoon nap too. It's funny when it's not maddening.

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