Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Without any prompting from me, Atticus watered plants in the garden yesterday evening. He picked up the hose, I turned the water on for him, and he moved the hose back and forth among three plants--again and again and again. Be still, my beating heart. I wish I had had the video camera with me; maybe next time.

He has a new tooth, maybe two, coming in. It's been a while. I've gotten spoiled by my agreeable baby. But where is he now?

This morning he grabbed my baby bell cheese and boiled egg as I was adding them to my lunch bag. I let him hold onto them, thinking heck, I'm holding him, I have my eye on him, no big deal. As I scurried around the kitchen packing our lunches, he managed to chomp into both the egg and the baby bell cheese despite their packaging. I was so busy I didn't notice until his chuckle of delight caught my attention.

1 comment:

  1. Watering the garden...he has caught our hearts on that too!

    More walking videos!!!! So fun to watch.

