Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long overdue update... my evenings have been non-stop, what with doing all the cleaning and childcare in addition to all the cooking; and last week was rough--many night awakenings for Atticus, what with teething and his dad gone; and I'll admit I've been catching up on Dexter.

Lately I've noticed a surge in Atticus's ability to communicate. He's picking up more and more signs, gaining the courage to try his hand at enunciating words and animal sounds, and is a pro now at using head nods and shakes to communicate yes and no. He now initiates bath time many nights by signing "bath" when he's ready. This has resulted in more enjoyable baths and evenings all-around because it's helped me to avoid waiting too late to start the bed-time routine. He also initiates book-reading and bed time much of the time by signing. Several times now I've been nursing him and reading to him, and he's halted things to let me know he's ready for his bed. And reading has become his favorite pastime--he wants to read in the mornings as soon as he wakes, in the early evening as soon as we return home from daycare, and before bed. His favorite book at the moment is the audio book Jean recorded for him.

He's saying "baby," "bye bye," "more," and "night;" and he woofs, moos, ribbets, bahs, and makes lion and elephant noises. ("Baby" is my absolute favorite--he says it so sweetly and innocently in such an angelic voice, you'd think he could never do anything wrong.)

He loves water play at daycare. One of the women told me that she squirted the toddlers with a water gun, and that most of them didn't like it, but Atticus adored it. He stood in place, and closed his eyes, smiled, and sort of trembled with joy.

I've been informed that he does not like play-doh, so we're working on that. I bought some and while he was weirded out by it at first, he does now pick it up and run around the house with it.

Last week, for the first time, he waved bye to me when I dropped him off at daycare. There was a huge grin on his face. Sometimes when I pick him up from daycare and ask him if he's ready to go home, he shakes his head "no." ha

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