Monday, July 18, 2011

Photo I took the other week but forgot about. Atticus has a risky habit of wrapping cords around his neck. There's not much to worry about with the garden hose, I don't think, but when he loops a mouse cord around his neck a few times, we're none too pleased.

This is such a cliche. What are the odds the clean laundry would produce six clean days, all of them without their partners?

Today Atticus made quite a fuss when Chris left for work. He clung to him so tightly and pitched a fit when I peeled him off. The poor thing is paranoid that Chris is going to disappear again. When I pulled him out of the car this afternoon though, and he saw Chris's car in the driveway, he applauded and squealed.

Oh, and one other note: Atticus likes to clean up! I won't lie and say he never leaves toys or found objects strewn about the house, but he does often make an effort to clean up after himself and others. As he walked by my nightstand this morning, he paused to pick up a magazine that had fallen the night before, placed it on top of the night stand, then resumed walking. I've seen him do this kind of thing with other objects too. Such an endearing quality in a boy, I'd say.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think anyone knew who left the house when I was a kid, since there were kids and things going on constantly. BTW, I definitely followed suit from watching my mom pick things up when I was a kid, and I guess Atticus is going to take the hint from his mom, too.
