Sunday, April 29, 2012

Atticus has a girlfriend! His teachers say they're inseparable. And we found out about her because for the first time that I can recall, when we asked him about his day at school, he started talking about several kids at school, one of them being Ava. When he mentioned her he got all smiley and flirty. I didn't think much of it, but mentioned to one of his teachers the next day that he had talked about Ava and another kid. Then she went on about how cute they are together--always holding each other's hands when the group heads outside or from one room to another, nuzzling up to one another, etc.
(Sorry about the poor quality of the photos; they're scans of paper print-outs.)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Atticus has composed his own tune: the milk song. He sung/hummed it several days ago after nursing, and it cracked me up so much that now he's performing it once or twice a day. It goes something like "My milk, milk, milk, dum di, duh duh duh, milk, duh, duh, milk..." And then he falls backwards against the bed.

Yesterday Atticus and I spent a good fifteen minutes trying to "fix" a toy of his by applying screwdrivers to its screws. He was so into this that every time I suggested we turn it right side up to play with it, he protested.

My gorgeous boy. When I showed him this photo in the camera after I took it, he pointed at it, then at his own flesh and said, "Two Atticuses!" Like I said before, he's really into counting pairs these days.

Potty training has been kind of slow so far. He seems nervous about sitting on his bare bottom on the potty. However, I ordered him an Elmo potty video, which he adores, so I think it's going to prove a very useful tool. When I asked him to try using the potty yesterday, he initially said no, but at the same time was asking to watch the video; so I told him he could watch it if we set his potty up in front of the tv and he sat on it without his diaper. He was happy to comply. The other trick that's sometimes been handy is storing books in the little side compartment of his potty. This photo is from the previous weekend. He sat on the potty for quite some time while he read.

Tonight we went to the fair and had a blast! Notes and photos coming

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Atticus's teacher has told me in recent weeks that 1) he has a best friend named Peyton (a boy)and 2) he is a really good helper, helping demonstrate (grabbing kids' hands when it's time to move from one room to another) and reiterate her directions ("sit down!") to the children.

Also, several of the other kids' parents have told Chris or me recently that their child is often talking about Atticus. Given that Atticus doesn't talk to us about any kids at school as far as I know (occasionally, I have no idea what he's saying to me) other than to point them out and name them if we see one of them on our way in or out of daycare, I have a hard time imagining what exactly his peers are saying to their parents about him. "Atticus wore an Elmo shirt"?

I don't think I mentioned this already, but once when I dropped him off some weeks back, two girls came up to him and each gave him a hug. :)

Atticus is constantly counting these days--pretty much just one and two, but if there are two of something, you can pretty much count on him pointing it out: two monkeys, two bears, two shoes, two vitamins, two cups of water, etc.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

a few photographs from Grandpa Jimmy's and um, great cousin (?) Cindy's visit: Atticus dons his new coon hat.

Atticus attended his first parade: a homecoming for veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan

Grandpa easter bunny brought Atticus an Elmo easter basket, and Atticus ate his first chocolate bunny.

I apologize for the less-than-stellar photography. I didn't know Chris had left his camera behind, so I took all of these with the cell phone. :(