Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Atticus's teacher has told me in recent weeks that 1) he has a best friend named Peyton (a boy)and 2) he is a really good helper, helping demonstrate (grabbing kids' hands when it's time to move from one room to another) and reiterate her directions ("sit down!") to the children.

Also, several of the other kids' parents have told Chris or me recently that their child is often talking about Atticus. Given that Atticus doesn't talk to us about any kids at school as far as I know (occasionally, I have no idea what he's saying to me) other than to point them out and name them if we see one of them on our way in or out of daycare, I have a hard time imagining what exactly his peers are saying to their parents about him. "Atticus wore an Elmo shirt"?

I don't think I mentioned this already, but once when I dropped him off some weeks back, two girls came up to him and each gave him a hug. :)

Atticus is constantly counting these days--pretty much just one and two, but if there are two of something, you can pretty much count on him pointing it out: two monkeys, two bears, two shoes, two vitamins, two cups of water, etc.

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