Friday, May 11, 2012

These are a few of the many great photos included in the awesome mother's day gift Atticus's teacher assembled for me: a book of photos and artwork from his days at school. Holy crap, the cuteness! Ava looks like she's used to these kisses (Yeah, yeah, you love me, I know).

 Here he is with his friend Sophia.

 I did it!
 Playing hookey?
Making art alongside his friend Peyton (who used to be Atticus's best friend before Ava displaced him).

And a note I forgot to include last time about the last couple of weeks, while Chris has been gone. Atticus has been one very sad boy--acting up, crying, whining, never wanting me to put him down. Last week, he got up from the table as soon as I sat him down for dinner, ran down the hallway and grabbed a framed photo of Chris, then deliberately dropped it. It landed on both of his big toes, giving him a bruise and a minor cut. We have had some fun the last few weeks, but it's also been rough. It will be so good to get back into a normal routine again when Chris returns.

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