Sunday, August 5, 2012

Today Atticus did something I've never witnessed another kid in his toddler swim class do ever--he was about to jump in the pool, but hesitated and told me he needed to go potty. His teacher praised him for not doing it in the pool. I whisked him to the potty.

Then after swim class on the drive home, he said he had to go again, so I pulled over so he could use the potty I keep in the trunk. He did numero uno and dos in it. We have yet to have an accident on the road or when out on the town.

In recent weeks, Atticus has taken to identifying the culprit for any ouwie or other accident: "Table did it," "Piano did it," "Bat did it," "Mommy did it," "Daddy did it," and lest you think he doesn't take personal responsibility, "Atticus did it."

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