Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Yesterday I held Atticus up to the bay window in our bedroom to watch the rain pouring down. (Yes, monsoon at last!) I don't think he knew there was glass between us until I started tapping on it to show him that it was there. He watched me for maybe half a minute, and then he started tapping away at the glass himself.

Today, he tapped on my face.


This past weekend I tried to bring A's feet to his attention. He's grabbed at them here and there, but he hasn't really seemed to notice them all that much except to walk around on them (with my support, of course). Now today his attention was focused on his feet every time he was horizontal. He spent about half his day with a foot in each hand. Several times he tried to get them into his mouth.


Atticus has recently become enamored with the cats. If one saunters into view, he won't take his eyes off of it. He pet both cats yesterday, meaning he clasped flaps of ear and clumps of fur in his fists. All the while, his eyes were fixated on their tails. I'm hoping he learns from my example how to pet the cats gently so that he doesn't get scratched.

Morocco seems interested in him too. Either that or he's s just renewing his obsession with me (and A happens to often be near me), which had sort of ended when I started neglecting him after A's birth. All of a sudden he's climbing into my lap now when I play with Atticus on the floor of his bedroom, and he's whining at my bedroom door when A and I are in there, door closed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

rapid update

I'm exhausted, but I feel guilt about not having provided any updates recently other than photos. So I'll fill you in very quickly on a few of the things that Atticus has been up to lately:

  • Perhaps a month ago now he started playing hide and go seek with himself. He flings a sheet or receiving blanket over his head and then takes his hands away, leaving the sheet or blanket over his face. It freaks me out just a tiny bit, but it is awfully cute. He gets excited when someone comes by to pull it away again and reveal him.
  • His big thing right now is experimenting with his voice. He's a little morning song bird. Gone are the days when I could still snooze a little bit after he had awakened. Now he sings and sings, making sure everyone else is up with him. He's been moving his lips around, making different types of sounds; seeing how loud he can get, etc.
  • He's also become quite the giggler. It's lovely.
  • He's rolled over a couple of times now on the floor, but only once at a time. He hasn't quite mastered the skill. But he does enjoy belly time quite a bit now, so he'll get there.
  • In case you, like our pediatrician, wondered if he can focus on a raisin, he can! When I filled out the questionnaire at his four-month check-up, I had no idea whether he could focus on a raisin, having never held a raisin up to his face before. There were several oddball questions like that. For example, if you sneak up on your child from behind and whisper to him, does he hear you? Or something like that. What parent out there just so happens to have tried all of these things, despite not having seen the questionnaire in advance? I felt as though I were somehow not observant enough that I couldn't answer half these questions.
  • Atticus is definately showing an interest in food. I don't know that he necessarily wants to eat it, but he's always looking at my food and grabbing at it when it's within reach. The same goes for my water glass. I'm holding out at least until 5 months to introduce some solids, 6 or more months if I can.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Visitor not apparent, but what a cute baby!

Atticus with Uncle Sky

Atticus with Auntie Brandi

Monday, July 12, 2010

Four-month Measurements

Atticus turned four months old on Saturday! He went to see the pediatrician for his four-month check-up on Friday. Here are his stats:

weight: 18 pounds 9 1/2 ounces (off the charts)
height: 27 1/2 inches (off the charts)
head circumference: 44 cm (75-90th percentile)

question: Why do they measure weight and height in U.S. customary units but head circumference in metric units?

According to our pediatrician Atticus is not teething; teething is something that happens over the course of a few days; and all four-month-olds drool and gnaw on things and it has nothing to do with teething pain. hmph. Is it not rational that all four-month-olds do these things because they are all experiencing the pain of teeth moving around underneath their gums? And doesn't it stand to reason that before teeth break through the gums, a good deal probably goes on behind the scenes in preparation for their debut? And how does he explain the fact that Atticus doesn't drool and gnaw on things 24/7 but goes through phases? He seems to have rough days and easy days. What is the pediatrician's explanation for the drooling and gnawing? He doesn't have one. He's of the mind that many of the things that babies do cannot be explained and that adults are foolish for trying. I'm liking him less and less, I think.

I have plenty more to say about how Atticus has been doing, but I either have really bad allergies or a cold right now, so I need to get to bed. :(

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sad boy needs his Mom's love.

You take pictures and almost everyone is fine. But, then every so often you get a special one. This would go in the special column. I am not sure what it is but you just want to linger on the best pictures for a while. I guess everyone wants to have that Mom wrap their arms around them. It doesn't matter if you are 4 months or 60 it's nice to think that "Mom" figure is there for you. It's doesn't even have to be a literal Mom either. It could be friends, family, your kids, your god, or just a kind soul.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

a couple of photos

dodging a kiss
