Monday, July 12, 2010

Four-month Measurements

Atticus turned four months old on Saturday! He went to see the pediatrician for his four-month check-up on Friday. Here are his stats:

weight: 18 pounds 9 1/2 ounces (off the charts)
height: 27 1/2 inches (off the charts)
head circumference: 44 cm (75-90th percentile)

question: Why do they measure weight and height in U.S. customary units but head circumference in metric units?

According to our pediatrician Atticus is not teething; teething is something that happens over the course of a few days; and all four-month-olds drool and gnaw on things and it has nothing to do with teething pain. hmph. Is it not rational that all four-month-olds do these things because they are all experiencing the pain of teeth moving around underneath their gums? And doesn't it stand to reason that before teeth break through the gums, a good deal probably goes on behind the scenes in preparation for their debut? And how does he explain the fact that Atticus doesn't drool and gnaw on things 24/7 but goes through phases? He seems to have rough days and easy days. What is the pediatrician's explanation for the drooling and gnawing? He doesn't have one. He's of the mind that many of the things that babies do cannot be explained and that adults are foolish for trying. I'm liking him less and less, I think.

I have plenty more to say about how Atticus has been doing, but I either have really bad allergies or a cold right now, so I need to get to bed. :(


  1. Having had a lot of experience as a baby boy myself, I would guess the drooling is a result of beginning day care and seeing baby girls for the first time. Match it up. Did the periodic drooling start around the time he started seeing the girls? Thought so. And, the gnawing is a natural guy thing along with spitting, cursing, farting, scratching in odd places, relieving oneself outdoors, and the occasional unprovoked inexplicable shoutout. Just saying.

  2. See what I get to live with.....ok, I'll be honest, I choose to live with

  3. Hmmm... it's a fact that teeth move up and down before they break through the gum line- this often goes on for months. I didn't know there was anyone out there who thought otherwise. Sounds to me like your ped is a little cracked. And whoa, Atticus is huge! Those stats are more in line with a 8 or 9 month old!

  4. atticus and nora (almost 14 months) have the exact same weight and head circumference measurements right now! she is slightly taller. what a big boy! :) and i never realized the head measurements were different. weird!
