Monday, November 15, 2010


I guess you could say Atticus has now got this crawling thing down--if crawling as if your left leg is lame counts. It's a bit strange, but he can truck it pretty fast. He was all over the house this morning--yanking my clothes off of their hangers, chewing on my shoes, trying to get into the wine cabinet. This afternoon he crawled under one of the bar stools...

then stood himself up as if he were playing "prison." (Aren't his baby leggings cute? They make cold-weather diaper changes much more palatable.)

Just documenting Atticus's drinking skills. I guess we have a few photos of him sort of doing this, but this one better shows that he doesn't drink as if one of his hands is lame (not all the time anyhow).

1 comment:

  1. Motor boy!!! go,speed racer go!

    He is just wonderful.
