Thursday, December 30, 2010


Atticus said "ball" for the first time on Monday. Chris took him out on a walk, and they saw a girl playing basketball. Atticus pointed to the ball and said the word several times, according to Chris. As you can imagine, Chris was especially pleased that Atticus bestowed a basketball with his new word. Wednesday Chris took Atticus to the toy store to buy him a fisherprice basketball hoop. Tonight Atticus scored his first shot.

Fingerfood update: Atticus is now eating several fingerfoods, including avocado, mozzarella cheese, and slivers of grapes.

What with teething and travel and the ear infection several weeks ago, his sleep schedule has gotten totally out of sorts. I did try to soothe him to sleep as normal tonight, but when he cried as soon as I placed him into the crib, I decided I was too tired to pick him up again, and that it was time to work on getting him to sleep well again. He cried for nearly two hours. :( I did go in a few times just to try to get him to lie down, to tell him goodnight and that I loved him. The last time I went in, I rubbed his belly, and he immediately closed his eyes and gave in to sleep. Maybe I should have rubbed his belly the previous times, and he wouldn't have held out for so long? I don't know. I'm glad he's sleeping peacefully now at least.