Monday, December 20, 2010

tooth #7

Atticus has been working on his seventh tooth the last few days, the top left lateral incisor. This one has been particularly tough. Although he's always refused a pacifier the few times I've offered one, he had one in his mouth half of Sunday. That and his fingers, his toys, etc. He was just getting over an ear infection, which I decided to treat with visits to the chiropractor (and some garlic/mullein oil) versus an antibiotic, so now that he's pulling his ears again as he teethes, I'm the tiniest bit nervous, even though I'm 98% sure it's just the tooth pain that's nagging him.

On another note, I seemed to have hit upon a food Atticus doesn't care for: kiwi fruit. I gave it to him last week, and he made "yuck" faces. I tried again this evening, and he reacted as though I'd stabbed him in the mouth. It was an especially tart one, so maybe if I can find the perfect kiwi fruit...

He likes barley now. I guess I got the texture down right.

However, he's become finicky now about pumpkin and butternut squash, which he used to like just fine. I think it's more the spoon than anything else. He's much more apt to eat them if I spoon them to him with my finger. We don't have this problem with cereal or yogurt though, so who knows. sigh. (He NEVER tires of those damn puffed rice things. It's baby crack, I tell you.)

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