Wednesday, December 8, 2010

getting the ball rolling

The holidays come along, and we inevitably fall behind in everything, including blogging.

We went to Chicago and Indiana for Thanksgiving. Atticus had a blast. He didn't fuss for a second on either flight. Both times, our neighboring flight passengers expressed their awe over his good behavior (and breathed some delighted sighs of relief). He did fuss a bit in the car here and there--so much driving!--but not too bad. Chris calmed him with Christmas music--from the radio and from his own throat. Atticus basked in the love of friends and extended family. He perfected his crawl. He cut his fifth tooth. He napped in the ergo despite some pretty chilly weather. He slept for over two hours on great-grandma Marty at Chris's 40th birthday party. He hung out with his great-grandfathers Slick and Loyd. He had his first turkey (which was also his first meat), and he loved it as much as he loves everything. He's an eater, my boy. He also had his first egg yolk. And his first jar of store-bought baby food (with all the running around, it wasn't always easy to make food for him, though I did make most of his food; I did buy Earth's Best organic with no additives or preservatives, etc.). He saw his first fireworks--from the skyline club overlooking the Christmas tree lighting in Indianapolis. He stared with wonder. Am I leaving anything out? Tons probably.

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