Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I won a bid on some new train stuff on ebay, and the package arrived today! I'm almost as into the trains as he is (well, maybe not quite, but not so far behind either), so it makes sense to invest in something we can enjoy together. I did most of the track construction while he strung the trains together and asked me again and again, "Ready? Ready?" We now have quite a bit of track to put together, so the answer was "Almost. Almost..."

To our surprise and delight, the little train station piece makes a choo choo noise as the train passes by it. Atticus loves it!

Aerial view of our track.

I'm making up for lost time with these copious notes on the life of Atticus. So food update: tonight he happily ate raw sugar snap peas. Unbelievable, I tell you. Before he would only eat the peas themselves after I'd popped them out, never their shells. What wonderful demon has swept in and possessed my child?

And why didn't anyone ever tell me about the potty dance? I guess that's my fault for not spending much time reading up on potty training. Tonight I did a potty dance after I used the toilet, and Atticus went wild and proceeded to pee in his potty five times in a row, dispensing it slowly like a dog, just so he could do the dance again and again, as well as repeatedly empty the potty and flush the contents down the toilet. I had decided earlier today to take the plunge and say goodbye to diapers (except during naps and night time) this weekend, but wasn't entirely confident it would work. But I feel quite good about it now. He's on board. And Chris, consider this my father's day gift to you while you're away: a potty-trained boy to come home to.

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