Friday, June 29, 2012

So, we have survived our first week of life without diapers (except during naps and nighttime)!

The first day at daycare was a little rough. Atticus was very nervous about going to school without his diapers. I worried that perhaps I'd rushed him too fast. He either held it or didn't drink anything because he got by without accidents or peeing in the potty. He waited until nap time when he had the comfort of his diaper. After a couple of days like that, I wondered if having his potty seat from home would help. While daycare does have small children's potties, they're still awfully wide for young toddlers. When I put him on them in the mornings when I dropped him off, he was holding on to the toilet dispenser so as not to fall in. :( So I asked him what he thought about bringing in the potty seat, and he seemed to wholeheartedly embrace that solution. I brought it in on Wednesday, and tada! he peed in the potty several times.

Then a very big milestone on Thursday: he not only pooped in the potty at school, he took the initiative to tell his teacher that he needed to poop!

A side note: one of the assistant teachers took me aside last week to tell me that Atticus is her favorite kid in the class. She said she's sad every day when she has to leave him because he's such a good kid and so much fun. She probably isn't supposed to openly admit to favorites, but I didn't mind so much. :)

Two nights ago as we read a book about migrating animals, Atticus put his foot onto the giant two-page photograph of Mali elephants and said, "I want to go in."

Just a few photos from the last week and a half I'd meant to upload before.

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