Friday, April 30, 2010

Our Day So Far

I got absolutely no work done today, just hung out with Atticus. Here's our day thus far, going backwards (I keep forgetting that blogger arranges photos in the reverse order that you uploaded them--so annoying and time is too precious to start all over again). Anyhow, so this is Atticus basking in a post-massage glow.

Not looking at all sorry after he peed on me during the massage--his way of showing his appreciation for massages. That and he smiles and wiggles around a lot. I'm not complaining though--I much prefer urine to feces, and now that his bowel movements have become more regular (mostly occurring in the mornings), taking his diaper off is much less anxiety-inducing.

Borrowing some color from the garden. (Not Dad's favorite photo.)

Smelling the culinary plants. He especially likes sage.

Surveying the garden.

Listening to Ravel and getting to know one of his toys, Hug Bug.

Watching mom make faces at him.

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