Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010

Oh glorious day. I not only managed to get time for myself (translation: grading, laundry, dishes, etc.) once, but three times. This morning I took Atticus to Starbucks, since car rides seem to be fairly successful in putting him to sleep. I got a latte and a sleeping baby. He slept for 2 1/2 hours after we returned home! Then later, I laid with him in bed and read out loud for about 40 minutes until his limbs seemed securely limp, and I got myself about another hour and 10 minutes of baby-free time. Just now I watched bits of Pretty Woman and 16 and Pregnant until once again he went limp, and I managed to transfer him to his bassinet without his waking. Somehow, despite this abundant "free" time, I still haven't showered, but I have clean clothes, clean dishes, a clean kitchen counter, a clean baby (I did bathe him at least), graded lessons, and I've finally started writing the remaining thank-you cards to the many wonderful friends and family who have showered Atticus with loot. What more can the mother of a three-week-old ask for?

And there's more good news: last night Atticus slept for about 4 1/2 hours straight. Since he typically wakes me up every two hours (at least), this is something to celebrate. He did have his first chiropractic adjustment yesterday, so maybe that was it?

Atticus experienced a few other firsts yesterday too: his first dinner at a restaurant and his first time taking a bottle (Grandma Jean did the honors. We would have taken a photo if I had been able to locate Chris's camera. He took mine to Bloomington with him. Yes, Chris abandoned me with a three-week-old on a weekend no less. :)).


  1. Lucky me! It was an honor to be his first bottle giver. He was pretty hungry so he sucked it right down!

    We had such a great visit in Tucson.

  2. Michelle,
    You have peaked my curiosity. A chiropractic adjustment for a newborn? Please explain that one.

  3. Yeah, chiropractic adjustments have been shown to be helpful to a lot of infants. I've heard of them helping with colic, sleep, etc. The idea is that birth is or can be fairly traumatic on the spine, which makes sense to me. The adjustment is very gentle. Atticus was laying on top of me as he was adjusted, so he was cushioned and I could feel what was being done to him. Plus, I really trust my chiropractor.
