Sunday, May 30, 2010

crazy weekend

Friday night, after spending several hours drinking and listening to music, Chris came down with what we think was the stomach flu. At first I wasn't exactly sympathetic to his complaints that he wasn't feeling so well seeing as he was staggering about a bit from all the vodka/red bulls, but then he started vomiting and getting chills, etc. etc. I quarantined him in the guest bedroom so that Atticus and I might survive the weekend unscathed. Poor Chris was sick all day yesterday. He consumed nothing but water and a tiny bowl of cereal (which I don't think stayed down). He was a smidgen better by the end of the day, but really perked up a lot today. He showered, even went to Target and Subway. Now he's watching Star Wars.

Meanwhile, Atticus and I stayed far far away from the guest bedroom and bathroom that Chris occupied, and I spent my free time going over the house with an antibacterial cleaner. I don't like using that kind of thing on a regular basis, but in this case, I had no qualms about it.

On Saturday, Atticus and I attended a memorial service for my dear friend Leslie who passed away last week from mesothelioma. It helped to have him there--a sweet, warm little body demanding to be fed and burped and cuddled; a reminder that life is constantly being given, as well as taken. Atticus enjoyed the singing and the stained glass windows.

Earlier that morning, I got baby thumb skin with the nail clippers instead of nail. It was awful. He cried, and I was sucking blood off his poor little thumb for several minutes, it seemed. Luckily, he's very forgiving. He nursed and seemed to forget all about it. And it was the thumb he sucks too. He doesn't seem to mind though, even though seeing that flap of skin still pains me.

I also startled him yesterday. I guess he didn't see me coming, and on top of that I accidentally bumped into his hug bug, which has several different rattles in it and was lying right next to him. He let out a good cry then too. But I made up for it by taking a two-hour nap with him. He loves napping with mommy.

Now I'm wondering if he might be pre-teething already. He's showing many signs of it (drooling; the sudden interest in his thumb, not to mention the rest of his hand; and biting me) but who knows. I'll wait and watch. I have some pics of his cute thumbsucking, which I'll have to post later because I'm feeling too lazy to go get the camera.

Oh, and Atticus slept more than 7 hours straight three nights in a row this week, but then not last night--only about 4 hours. hmm.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Webcam is working!

I have finally set up the web cam.  We are on Skype.  I am listed under Sonicmeltdown.  I am not sure if Michelle is going to have an account.  The web-cam is on Michelle's computer so she might answer if you were to call.  Skype allows for free video, instant messaging, and chatting.  Check it out. 

Atticus learns about veggies (video)

It's been a while but the videos are going to be returning. 

Atticus learns about veggies.

Almost Eight Hours!

The big announcement for today is that Atticus slept nearly eight hours straight last night! He awoke to nurse at about 4:15 and then was out cold again. I let him sleep in until a little after 7, at which point I had to wake him up or else I'd be late to work.

Also, it appears he is becoming a thumb sucker after all. He's taken a sudden liking to soothing himself with it, which works for me. Better than a pacifier, I think. He has more control.

Here he is studying one of his wee gallery cards, which he loves.

making a goofy face

getting some exercise, and emptying his esophagus while he's at it

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

long overdue update

I haven't even started working full time just yet (next week!), and already I'm lapsing. My lame excuse is that Chris has a backlog of about five videos now, and I was waiting for him to get a few of those posted before I posted something new. It looks like if I do that there may be nothing posted for weeks. So, not the best photographs in the world, but here he is, folks. I'll have to work on trying to get some photographs of his current activities. He's discovered that he can clasp his hands together, punch mommy, scratch mommy, and yank out her hair. Actually, he's been scratching me and yanking my hair out for quite a while now, but he only recently started punching me. He's egalitarian about it though. He punches himself as well.

Despite that he beats up on me regularly, when I ever so slightly grazed his lower lip with my fingernail today, he wailed. He did this after thinking about it for a few seconds--as if assessing whether or not he'd indeed been violated. No scratch, no blood though--I promise.

Look at that double chin.

As a bonus, you get this blurry photo of flying saucer squash from my garden.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bear Suit

Well, Sara and Drew, Atticus too has a bear suit. It's still a tad big on him, and not at all weather appropriate, but he was a trooper for a quick photo session.

Monday, May 17, 2010

dirty cats

I just found a shedded bit of cat claw dangling from the back of my baby's head like piercing jewelry.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Atticus on his first day at daycare. I took him in on Thursday while I went into the office for four hours. He did well. I took this photo just before I left him. He was staring up at a musical snoopy mobile and smiling. In the half-hour I was there that morning--handing over the piles of diapers, wipes, etc.; going over paperwork--he cried only briefly when two of the other babies started crying because Lisa, his caregiver, wouldn't allow them to mess with him (they seemed to think he was a new toy). When I left, he was all smiles. When I picked him up at 12:30, he was just waking from a half-hour nap. He was red-eyed with exhaustion from all the stimulation, but in good spirits. Within about an hour of returning home, he passed out for a two-hour nap. It's hard leaving him with someone else, but I did enjoy the brief break (even if I was at work). I'll be taking him to daycare again the next two Thursdays and then 4 1/2 hours a day 4-5 days a week after that.

On Friday I discovered that the dreaded task of going to the pet store to pick up cat food is way more fun with Atticus in tow. He saw fish for the first time and was fascinated with them. He didn't seem to notice the birds, nor did he spot the python in its cage.

I don't know if you can make it out in this photo, but Jean sent Atticus some overalls with his name stitched into them. They're to become an heirloom that will be passed on to each new grandchild, assuming there are other grandchildren. Thanks, Jean! They're adorable.

In other news, I can't get over how much Atticus loves baths. I know I keep saying that, but I'm fascinated by how much he splashes around at his age. He has a blast. What's really interesting is that he'll kick so hard that he makes these big splashes that sort of scare him for a split second. His eyes get wide, and he throws his arms out, but then the next split second he's all smiles. And he does it again and again. He's a little thrill seeker, it seems. This afternoon he started doing the same movements he does in the bath but on the bed when I was lying next to him. Again, he was having a blast. And getting exercise while he was at it, which is good since he hates belly time so much.

Oh, and today we attended a baby sign language workshop. He's too young right now to comprehend them, much less start signing back, but with any luck, my getting a head start on learning signs and making a habit of integrating them into our activities will be beneficial later when he is ready.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

NOT the happiest baby on the block

Atticus was fussier than normal yesterday evening--as a result of the vaccinations, I assume. The warm bath did quiet him though. Our boy loves water. (No pooping this time around)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two Month Check-Up

Atticus went to see the pediatrician for his two month check-up today. He now weighs 15 pounds 4.5 ounces (above the 97th percentile), his body measures 25 1/4 inches long (above the 97th percentile), and his head measures 40 cm (50th percentile). Big body, normal sized head, which means he looks better proportioned than most infants, I think.

He received his two-month vaccines today. He did pretty darn well. He actually seemed more, or at least as much, upset during the weighing and measuring. (He loves being naked if he's being massaged, not so much if he's being set on top of a cold, hard baby scale.) After the vaccines, he nursed for a few minutes and then passed out and slept the whole way home. He'll probably take a warm bath with mama this evening. Hopefully he doesn't poop in the bath this time (three times Friday!)

Side note: He was really interested in the color photograph on the wall calendar of a ruby-throated hummingbird sipping nectar from some pink flowers. I was surprised by that. I thought he was still seeing mainly in black and white, but maybe not?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Michelle said this was as good as Mother's Day could get.  She certainly recommends the book.  Her Dad is out on the Appalachian Trail as we speak.  Michelle always looks serious when reading.

Friday, May 7, 2010

happy hour

I left Chris and Atticus alone together for over 2 1/2 hours yesterday evening while I went to happy hour with Eleanor. The good news is that Atticus is still alive, limbs intact. The bad news? He didn't get a diaper change, and he was fed from a bottle that was missing one of the nipple parts.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Atticus loves the water!

Atticus at 2 months

Atticus turned 8 weeks old today.  He now weighs 15 pounds.  He is a fun dude.  He has a very engaging personality.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Post bath warmth

Atticus didn't sleep to well last night.  Actually, none of us slept well.  Michelle was kept up by Atticus.  I am dealing with an arm injury I suffered last Monday night in hoops.  I'm probably going to the doctor tomorrow.  Michelle tried to get Atticus in the right fame of mind for sleeping, by giving him both a massage and bath.  They are trying to sleep now.