Tuesday, May 25, 2010

long overdue update

I haven't even started working full time just yet (next week!), and already I'm lapsing. My lame excuse is that Chris has a backlog of about five videos now, and I was waiting for him to get a few of those posted before I posted something new. It looks like if I do that there may be nothing posted for weeks. So, not the best photographs in the world, but here he is, folks. I'll have to work on trying to get some photographs of his current activities. He's discovered that he can clasp his hands together, punch mommy, scratch mommy, and yank out her hair. Actually, he's been scratching me and yanking my hair out for quite a while now, but he only recently started punching me. He's egalitarian about it though. He punches himself as well.

Despite that he beats up on me regularly, when I ever so slightly grazed his lower lip with my fingernail today, he wailed. He did this after thinking about it for a few seconds--as if assessing whether or not he'd indeed been violated. No scratch, no blood though--I promise.

Look at that double chin.

As a bonus, you get this blurry photo of flying saucer squash from my garden.


  1. Thanks for the update and pics Michelle. I know you guys are busy and it will be even more so! He looks great!

    The squash look about 2 inches across....are they?


  2. I picked these when they were pretty small because I was eager to make a stir-fry with them. Plus, they do say that the smaller the vegetable, the tastier. Yeah, about two inches (maybe even just 1 1/2). Now I'm letting them grow a little larger.

  3. Just wait until he gets teeth! Nora has recently started to full out chomp on my shoulder. Atticus is such a handsome fellow! Is that an orange diaper I see? Are you guys liking cloth??

  4. nice baby pics. yesterday at m/b group Eli bit my toe. hard.

  5. oh my goodness, so many little biters. I really like the cloth diapers, Katie. No real problems so far--not even at night. We have an occasional leaky diaper, but I think that would happen with disposable too.
