Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two Month Check-Up

Atticus went to see the pediatrician for his two month check-up today. He now weighs 15 pounds 4.5 ounces (above the 97th percentile), his body measures 25 1/4 inches long (above the 97th percentile), and his head measures 40 cm (50th percentile). Big body, normal sized head, which means he looks better proportioned than most infants, I think.

He received his two-month vaccines today. He did pretty darn well. He actually seemed more, or at least as much, upset during the weighing and measuring. (He loves being naked if he's being massaged, not so much if he's being set on top of a cold, hard baby scale.) After the vaccines, he nursed for a few minutes and then passed out and slept the whole way home. He'll probably take a warm bath with mama this evening. Hopefully he doesn't poop in the bath this time (three times Friday!)

Side note: He was really interested in the color photograph on the wall calendar of a ruby-throated hummingbird sipping nectar from some pink flowers. I was surprised by that. I thought he was still seeing mainly in black and white, but maybe not?

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