Sunday, May 16, 2010


Atticus on his first day at daycare. I took him in on Thursday while I went into the office for four hours. He did well. I took this photo just before I left him. He was staring up at a musical snoopy mobile and smiling. In the half-hour I was there that morning--handing over the piles of diapers, wipes, etc.; going over paperwork--he cried only briefly when two of the other babies started crying because Lisa, his caregiver, wouldn't allow them to mess with him (they seemed to think he was a new toy). When I left, he was all smiles. When I picked him up at 12:30, he was just waking from a half-hour nap. He was red-eyed with exhaustion from all the stimulation, but in good spirits. Within about an hour of returning home, he passed out for a two-hour nap. It's hard leaving him with someone else, but I did enjoy the brief break (even if I was at work). I'll be taking him to daycare again the next two Thursdays and then 4 1/2 hours a day 4-5 days a week after that.

On Friday I discovered that the dreaded task of going to the pet store to pick up cat food is way more fun with Atticus in tow. He saw fish for the first time and was fascinated with them. He didn't seem to notice the birds, nor did he spot the python in its cage.

I don't know if you can make it out in this photo, but Jean sent Atticus some overalls with his name stitched into them. They're to become an heirloom that will be passed on to each new grandchild, assuming there are other grandchildren. Thanks, Jean! They're adorable.

In other news, I can't get over how much Atticus loves baths. I know I keep saying that, but I'm fascinated by how much he splashes around at his age. He has a blast. What's really interesting is that he'll kick so hard that he makes these big splashes that sort of scare him for a split second. His eyes get wide, and he throws his arms out, but then the next split second he's all smiles. And he does it again and again. He's a little thrill seeker, it seems. This afternoon he started doing the same movements he does in the bath but on the bed when I was lying next to him. Again, he was having a blast. And getting exercise while he was at it, which is good since he hates belly time so much.

Oh, and today we attended a baby sign language workshop. He's too young right now to comprehend them, much less start signing back, but with any luck, my getting a head start on learning signs and making a habit of integrating them into our activities will be beneficial later when he is ready.


  1. So much news! And all of it good. First, I don't think your first day of day care could have gone better. It sounds so good and don't feel at all bad about enjoying a break. Being a mom is super hard work at first...(it gets alot easier!)
    Glad you like the overalls!

    His baths and actions sound so strong and purposeful. It must be so fun to see him grow and learn and explore. I think the sign language is a great idea!

    Enjoy, enjoy
    Love, Jean

  2. These updates are so satisfying. The combination of your wonderful descriptive writing ability and Chris' entertaining and informative videos is the best. This blog shows both of you working in your element in a small way, and it takes the blog beyond just newsy posting. It makes all of you a part of my day that wasn't there before AWR. Yeah, baby. :-)
