Thursday, January 27, 2011

I think Atticus made his first metaphor this evening. While playing with water trickling from the faucet in the bath, he signed "milk." I was very pleased.

Also, I fed him spinach for the first time--steamed spinach pureed and mixed with barley. He ate it up as though he'd been eating it all his life; and in a way, I suppose he has, since I've certainly eaten plenty of it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

photo a friend of mine took for new birth center bldg

looking serious

checking facebook

snack time: the lid to the puffs container is as tasty as the puffs themselves

teething biscuit bliss

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm so grateful to Atticus for making me laugh and smile so much. We had a blast this evening after he got out of the bath. He's taken to crawling all over our bed naked, preventing me from putting his diaper and pajamas on him (if he's not too exhausted already). It's kind of a game. When I try to pin him down, he giggles and squirms, and as soon as he's able, he takes off again, laughing the whole time. At one point, I thought I finally had him still enough to put his diaper on, so I lathered on his butt paste (he has a rash--from cinammon, I think), then he got away again, and I momentarily felt irritated with him, but not for long... Soon I was laughing along with him again. Then we got into a raspberry war--started by him blowing raspberries on my arm. It's stunning to me sometimes how much personality he has at his young age.

Also, I babysat our neigbor Miles last night, and it was interesting to see Atticus get a little bit jealous and possessive--not in a mean-spirited way, thankfully, but he looked quite concerned when Miles was dropped off, and was trying various tactics (cozying up to me, touching the outlet, knocking against Miles's bottle with the bottle's lid) to garner my attention. Later, once he'd relaxed, he giggled in response to Miles giggling in excitement over Sabine's appearance.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm so, so, so exhausted (and have been for days! sigh), so I'll try to make this short.

I can't remember whether I've mentioned this before or not, and because I'm way too tired to peruse old postings to find out, I'll risk repetition rather than risk not recording this: future Atticus, you were quite apprehensive about tentacled things as a baby. First there was the gummy, squishy, zillion-tentacled purple ball Grandma Jean brought out for you to play with; then the birthday-cake hat with the long, floppy candles that Grandma Ginny showed you; then last week, the lobed succulents trailing out of hanging baskets at the nursery. And this makes me wonder, does your timidity about grass stem from the same place? It is kind of an alien phenomenon here in Tucson after all...

Your walker arrived this week, and you're so proud of yourself pushing it all around the house, except when you push it into a wall or other object, then you're aggravated and hollering for somebody to set you free again.

And you love, love, love swinging. I strap you in the Ergo and swing just as I would if I were alone, and you giggle and smile and chatter and look around inquisitively at the sky and the trees, etc. And when I decide we're done, you are never in agreement.

Atticus's New Walker

Sunday, January 16, 2011

what's new

This weekend, Atticus has started taking his pajama pants off when he wakes up. When Chris went to get him yesterday morning, he found him standing in the crib pantless, a sock dangling from his mouth. He's also becoming more grabby with his diaper, which worries me a tad.

He's recently taken to squatting quite a bit--stand, squat, back to a stand, and so on.

I found out Friday at a playdate that he's totally ready for a walker. He knew instantly what to do and pushed that thing all over Illy's playroom. I tried to find him a used one this weekend--no luck thus far. If not tomorrow, then I'll order one.

Tonight in the bath, Atticus handed me one of his toys. I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's ever shared like that--with me anyhow.

Tooth #8 came in this week (the bottom left lateral incisor).

A few days ago he pooped in the bath tub for the first time. Why this is noteworthy news, I can't say exactly, but it is, that's why I'm bothering telling you so (one of the best things about having a baby, besides the sweet smiles and giggles and cuddling, etc. etc. is getting to read so much Dr. Seuss).

I have yet to fill you all in on the great sleeping news. Atticus hasn't slept in the bed with us for a few weeks now, not since just after Christmas. It seems that he doesn't want to anymore. The last few times I took him into bed with us after he awoke in the middle of the night, he got fussy and couldn't settle himself down back to sleep. I put him back in his crib, and he slept just fine. He's also sleeping great during naps too. I no longer leave him in the car when he passes out on the way home; I'm actually able to transfer him to the crib without much trouble. I'm not sure exactly how I pulled this shift off. Part of it is that I started routinely rolling him onto his belly once I lay him down. I pat his back a little bit. Other than that, it must be the sleep fairy. I sometimes go into nurse him once a night, but that's it. It's so lovely.

Atticus has been testing us more and more lately. He knows what he's not supposed to play with--the stove knobs, the outlets, his humidifier--and so when he approaches them, he gives us a knowing and daring look: "You gonna try to stop me?" Sometimes he cries as soon as we say "no." Sometimes he keeps trying again and again, undeterred.

He's also testing us when it comes to meals. Some days I can't get him to eat anything else unless I first give him a puff or a piece of those oatmeal cookies I make him. I know I ought not let him win, but I also worry about putting him to bed hungry and having to endure a sleepless night. Other nights, like tonight, he's a fantastic eater: no bribes necessary. Tonight he ate broccoli, sweet potato, acorn squash, mozarella cheese, egg yolk, and some of what we had for dinner, which included chicken, carrots, black beans, and spices.

Consistently though, he has little interest in eating anything off of a spoon anymore--anything but yogurt, that is. So that my remaining frozen food cubes don't go to waste, I've started mixing them with yogurt, so that he'll cooperate.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

birthday present

On this day, his 10-month birthday, Atticus fed me some of his beloved puffs and freeze-dried bananas. If that isn't proof that he loves me, I don't know what is. :)

He also wiped snot all over me, as well as regurgitated oatmeal cookie bits (I baked him oatmeal cookies the other day--no sugar; just oats, bananas, vanilla, olive oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cardamom. He loves them and will stuff as many into his mouth as possible if not monitored, his cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk's.)

This was outside in the park down the street, his nose turning pink from the chilly air. We swang on one of the swings, when he finds utterly captivating.

I love him, I love him, my magnificent, beautiful little creature.