Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm so grateful to Atticus for making me laugh and smile so much. We had a blast this evening after he got out of the bath. He's taken to crawling all over our bed naked, preventing me from putting his diaper and pajamas on him (if he's not too exhausted already). It's kind of a game. When I try to pin him down, he giggles and squirms, and as soon as he's able, he takes off again, laughing the whole time. At one point, I thought I finally had him still enough to put his diaper on, so I lathered on his butt paste (he has a rash--from cinammon, I think), then he got away again, and I momentarily felt irritated with him, but not for long... Soon I was laughing along with him again. Then we got into a raspberry war--started by him blowing raspberries on my arm. It's stunning to me sometimes how much personality he has at his young age.

Also, I babysat our neigbor Miles last night, and it was interesting to see Atticus get a little bit jealous and possessive--not in a mean-spirited way, thankfully, but he looked quite concerned when Miles was dropped off, and was trying various tactics (cozying up to me, touching the outlet, knocking against Miles's bottle with the bottle's lid) to garner my attention. Later, once he'd relaxed, he giggled in response to Miles giggling in excitement over Sabine's appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for watching Miles! I'm sorry about the cinammon rash. It tastes so good, why does it have to cause such havoc on our boys' bums?
