Saturday, June 12, 2010

Atticus rolled over!

Okay, granted he did this on the bed, which makes it easier, I think, because it's cushiony and gives nicely when you apply pressure, but nonetheless, it's an accomplishment, and I certainly don't want to take the wind out of his sails. He rolled over twice from belly to back while we played a game in which I roll him back and forth while singing the "Ten in the bed..." song.

Then an hour later he had the biggest blowout I've ever seen--baby poop all over the seat of his swing. And the poop didn't just target the removable/machine-washable padding, but also the unremovable strap and the right foot of his beloved hug bug. This is the sixth or seventh time he's had a blowout in that seat--I'm talking specifically about blowouts that exit his clothing (there have been other more minor ones that require a change of clothing, but no laundering of the seat pad). Interestingly, I don't think he's had a blowout anywhere else but on that seat. And after today's disaster I realize just how lucky we've been that he hasn't done this in his car seat when we're out on the town. How would we ever make it home?

A few more notes: I weighed him again at mom and baby group today, and he's now about 17 1/2 pounds. Sheesh! His growth rate isn't exactly slowing down.

Last night he slept about 5 1/2 hours before then waking up about every 2 hours. It's a little frustrating, but it does help that he falls asleep easily both when I first put him to bed for the night and each time he wakes to nurse. I know they say that just when you think you know your baby's schedule, they change, so I guess this is to be expected. Hopefully his intervals will change back again soon. He does take good long naps during the day--often 2+ hours. He's waking up from one now. I better go.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, Nora needs to catch up! She is only 18lbs and WALKING everywhere! :)
