Wednesday, June 30, 2010

salmon cozying up to my milk

Chris, I love him, but placing salmon burgers on top of my frozen breastmilk? That just seems wrong. And he knows I'm adament about meat not taking up residence next to the frozen fruit, so why he would think it makes a good companion for breastmilk I will never know.

Other than that, I want to report that Atticus was a dream today. He woke me up just twice last night, which is a big improvement from Monday night. Then he napped today for two hours and 45 minutes, during which I completed most of my homework. And after (and before) he was all smiles despite continued slobbering and gnawing. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. So, as I see it, and with consideration of my officially joining elderly status in October, as Atticus outgrows slobbering and gnawing, I'll be growing into it. A granddad grandson connection. Nice as long as I don't think too visually about it...
