Friday, June 11, 2010

belated happy three-month birthday

Atticus's three-month birthday was yesterday. I don't have much time or energy to post anything by the end of a work day, so I'm late acknowledging this. And I'm lacking in photos because my photographer is still in Hawaii. As far as stats go, Atticus weighed 16 pounds 12 ounces last Saturday, so I imagine he's about 17 pounds by now, probably a little over. He's SO heavy, but thanks to head control, he's actually easier to lug around now than he was a month ago. No more having to cradle his head when I pick him up or having to block it from knocking into my collar bone.

His latest triumph is that he finally has strong enough neck muscles to lift his head as I pull him by the arms to a seated position. I've been dying to do this with him for months (shows you how exciting my life is), and now I can pull him up again and again and again.

Now I'm trying to teach him how to roll over. I roll him back and forth using a blanket. He doesn't seem too interested in trying it on his own yet, but he mostly enjoys my rolling him, except for the one time I rolled him a little hard and he smacked his noggin a little. That he didn't like so much.

I regret to report that Atticus has regressed this past week when it comes to sleeping at night. The week before he slept 7+ hours about 5 nights out of 7. This week he slept 5 hours straight max. And last night he slept no longer than 3 hours at a time. :( I hope this is a result of the big changes in his life this week--his daddy in Hawaii for over a week, then his grandmother Ginny visiting for several days. Please, please, please, Atticus, get your act together. We had a marathon feeding session this evening, so if he doesn't sleep substantially longer than 3 hours straight, then he must be going through a monstrous growth spurt.

1 comment:

  1. Great update....glad to hear he is so strong. But it seems that he has already gone through a monstrous growth spurt!!! Hope Chris gets home to you soon.

    How is work/daycare going?
