Sunday, October 17, 2010


In the last two weeks or so Atticus has signed "milk" a few times. I don't think he's quite doing it with the intent to solicit milk yet, but it's good to see him practicing signing. The first time he did it (that I saw anyhow) was in response to me signing it.

Although he can't make the sign for "jump" yet, it's pretty clear he understands what it means. He gets excited when I do it, and this is before I show him the jumper or set it up.

Then a few days ago, Chris and Grandma Ginny discovered that he knows the word "dance." As soon as Chris said it, he started shaking his head and grinning. He did it again for me the next day.

He's also begun to mimic people more. Besides the "milk" sign, he mimics some of the goofy sounds we make; and now that I've had a nasty cough all week, he's doing fake coughs.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! A new kind of fun with him. He will ape you on everything now....just think of that!

    Keep these lovely stories and videos coming!
