Monday, October 11, 2010

not conjunctivitis, but

he's got the beginnings of an ear infection. Fun fact I just learned from the pediatrician: babies' sinuses sometimes leak out their eyes, as well as their noses. So Atticus caught a cold, which made his eyes all gooey and pink, and which is now resulting in an ear infection. I thought my magical breastmilk was supposed to ward off evil ear infections. hmm. So far he's still feeling good, but the doctor said he will probably start feeling cranky by this evening. He prescribed amoxycillin, and that should kick in in about a day and a half. The good news is he's not contagious, so I no longer have to wash my hands 200 times a day and avoid my eyes like the plague; and he can go back to daycare tomorrow.

I have to give my pediatrician props for how efficient he is. There's no waiting in his office, not even when you have a sick baby. We were in and out in no time.

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