Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mom and Baby Group Addendum

I've been thinking more about mom and baby group. First, about an interaction involving these two particular women from mom and baby group. They looked a lot alike, so maybe they're related? And their babies were two of only three cloth-diapered babies in the group (both diapers green). Atticus would have been number four, except that my thus-far limited cloth diaper stash (awaiting shipment of more bum genius this week) was in the laundry, so he was in a disposable. I was perturbed by this despite that he was sporting a chlorine-free diaper at least. It was as if I'd dressed him in an Abercrombie & Fitch shirt on the first day of school.

Anyhow, there was a divide between these two women and the rest. The two pretty much just interacted with each other, except when they were dispensing expertise to the rest of us. Another woman asked the doula at what age she could use sunscreen on her baby, and the two mothers of green-cloth-diapered babies interjected about an environmental website that rates such things. They said that the safest baby sunscreens often use zinc oxide as the main ingredient, the same ingredient used in diaper rash creams.

The woman who posed the sunscreen question: "I don't know about that. Zinc is a metal."

Mother #2 of a green-cloth-diapered baby: "Iron is a metal too, and without it, your brain wouldn't develop."

The woman who posed the sunscreen question: "I'm rubber, and you're glue. What bounces off me sticks to you." (Okay, no, she didn't say that, but if it were up to me, she would have. I'm not siding with her. She did sound like an idiot, but still...)

Second, about the fact that it was recommended that we remove our babies' diapers while we massaged them, except I didn't dare risk that Atticus spray the neighboring babies and their mothers with his excrement.

Third, while massaging his toes, I noticed that Atticus had toe fuzz. I need to do a better job of bathing him the next go-around.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mom and Baby Group

Mom and baby group: lots of babies and lots of breasts.

I learned how to give Atticus an infant massage. I should try to do this every day, I was told. I'll try. He seemed to like it, but it was hard to tell whether it was the massage that he liked or the female baby (Annabelle) he couldn't take his eyes off of.

I bought him a new swaddle contraption. The doula highly recommended it--both swaddling and this swaddler in particular. She demonstrated it on him, and I have to say that it certainly was a tighter fit. He can wiggle an awful lot in the ones I've been using, so maybe that's why they haven't been so effective in getting him to stay asleep longer? However, she also said that it's pretty normal for a baby his size to wake to feed every 2-3 hours or more. Does "his size" mean his weight? His age? I suppose I should have asked. Anyhow, the only swaddler she had left was pink, so now my boy will be swaddled in pink each night. I figure he won't know any better.

I weighed him while we were there. He's now just over eleven pounds. Sheesh.

According to the doula, frequent pooping means a healthy baby, so while I'd like to alleviate this diaper change situation, at least I know he's eating plenty and that his digestive system is good at eliminating waste. That's some consolation.

Explosive Poops

Most parents of boys have to protect themselves and the baby and the surrounding furniture from urine sprays during diaper changes. We're not immune to this problem (or should I say "I" since I've done just about all but two of Atticus's diaper changes), but the spraying urine issue pales in comparison to his explosive mid-diaper-change poops. This baby can spray poop several feet out, and it's not uncommon for him to do so two to three diaper changes in a single day (sometimes four explosions in the same diaper change). Am I feeding him too much? Am I eating too many vegetables? I don't have a clue, but no mother I have mentioned this to so far recalls her baby ever (ever!?) pooping during a diaper change. At the moment I have a towel draped over his changing pad because all of my changing pad covers are in the laundry. :(

Today we're going to our first mom and baby group at the Birth Center. I'm hoping the doula who runs it will have some insight.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thrill Seekers

Zoo's are so boring.  How many people actually get to go out and see a big cat in its own environment?  On average, the mountain lions only eat about 15 out of 5,000 visitors each day.  The odds are you will be fine.  What I don't like is the rotting human carcasses on the side of the road.  That is a health hazard in my opinion.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grandpa Riggs and Grandma Cunningham visit Atticus

Dad and Jean arrived on Saturday afternoon.  They are in town for the week.  We went on a big excursion to Sabino Canyon today.  Michelle also got in her first post birth jog.  Atticus has been a bit fussier the last couple of days.  Nothing terrible.  No worries.

Friday, March 26, 2010

First Bath

Atticus had his first bath last night.  We put him in a trash can.  OK, not really, it is actually a trash can marketed as a baby bath.  Atticus was totally calm about it.  He even sat up on his own for a minute.  So Atticus is officially clean for the first time in his life. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Two-week Stats

Atticus had his two-week appointment with the pediatrician today. He weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds 0.5 ounces, almost exactly a pound up from his birth weight. According to the pediatrician and the sources I've consulted, most babies are just now getting back to their birth weight at this point, after having lost 6-8 ounces in the first week. Not our power feeder. It looks like I need to start getting back to my weekly chiropractic visits very soon. He measured 22 1/2 inches long today.

In other news, Atticus and I had our first lunch date since his birth. We met my lovely coworkers Eleanor and Deb at a non-crowded lunch spot to help ensure he doesn't come into contact with too many germy people just yet. Lunch time is nap time for Atticus, so he was out cold the whole time. It was so good for me to get out of the house today and socialize with adults. Thanks E and D!

Happy two-week birthday my love!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nanny arrives (video)

Nanny arrives
Nanny arrives to meet Atticus.  Michelle and my Mom also make an appearance.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Atticus fix for today

Nanny and Grandpa Ross left today.  I went back to work.  I have lots of projects to catch up on.  Michelle did well her first day.  She is fatigued but in good spirits.  Health wise she thinks she is almost healed from the birth.  Going back to work I may not update the blog every day.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thanks to everyone

I just want to thank everyone who is following the blog.  When I started this, I figured it would probably be a grandparents only thing.  I have been amazed how many people have contacted me and told me how much they like the blog.  I don't follow any blogs, so I assume this is what they are like.  Maybe none of you follow blogs either.  Maybe this is exactly what they are all like.  I don't know.  I am just being me.  Just trying to keep everyone in the loop, so they can feel connected to Atticus, Michelle, and myself.    

Great Nanny Fly's In

Michelle's Grandma flew into Tucson today.  She kept exclaiming how cute Atticus is.  It was a busy day for Atticus.  He was passed around by 3 grandparents all day.  We had a nice visit.  Michelle opened all her presents from the Ross baby shower.  We want to thank everyone for all the nice gifts.  Jimmy and I stood out and watched the Blue Angels, performing in the distance.  It wasn't all fun though.  Mom cleaned our bathroom and all the windows.  Jimmy installed a stylish overhead light in Atticus's room.  I cooked dinner on the grill.  Granny, Jimmy, and I cleaned up after the meal.  Michelle, Atticus, and I crashed on the couch, watching House Hunters, after everyone left.

Grandpa Ross meets Atticus (video)

Grandpa Ross meets Atticus

Friday, March 19, 2010

Grandpa Ross Arrives

Michelle's Dad drove 18 straight hours from Texas today.  Atticus greeted him in his typical style.  I can assure you that Atticus is alive.  Grandpa held Atticus for a long time.  He seemed really pleased with his first grandson.  My Mom bought us pizza and we all had a nice talk.  Yeah the video is coming.

Eleanor meets Atticus

It was a surprisingly busy day for guest.  Our neighbors, Eric and his wife (who's name always escapes me. Sorry.), stopped by with some brownie's,  just before Eleanor, Michelle's friend from work, arrived.  Later in the day we had another early visitor.  That is for another post.

First bath

We decided that maybe we should be good parents and clean Atticus after 8 days.  Michelle warmed Atticus's bear robe so he wouldn't have to suffer.  It was only a sponge bath but still traumatic.

Atticus, Grandma, Michelle (video)

Atticus, Grandma, Michelle

Another beautiful day comes to a close.  We head out for our walk.  Atticus actually makes some noise.


Amber, Teresa, and Celia stopped by for a visit.  Atticus was comatose for the entire event.  It made for easy passing around though.  Michelle initially met these ladies through her running group.  She looks forward to running, cold beers, and girls night out soon.

Hello all!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grandma (Gilbert) meets Atticus (video)

Grandma Gilbert meets Atticus

Mom arrived around 1:30pm.  I think she may have half hugged me, then pushed me aside, to get to Atticus.  I barely had time to turn the camera on.  Grandma was happy.

Without sin

In the Christian religion, most Sunday services begin with a prayer confessing our sins. We all sin either in thought, word, or deed, every week.  But, there is a brief time, when children are first born, where they are truly without sin.  Atticus, is living in that moment now.  Pure in thought, word and deed.

Grandma arrives!

Cleaning Spit-up

Yesterday evening while I was changing Atticus's diaper, he spit up. Chris was there with me to entertain and distract Atticus. What did Chris do about the spit-up situation? He went for the washcloth I'd just used to wipe the little guy's bum. He said he hadn't planned on wiping his face with it, just the part of the changing pad right next to his face. hmm.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reverse sleep patterns and circumcision

We had it relatively good the first couple of nights with Atticus.  That changed Monday night.  Atticus was at his most alert during the night.  That makes for less sleep for everyone, especially Mom.  Atticus, also has taken to only wanting to sleep on Mom at night.  The day is quite a bit different.  He crashes out for hours in the stroller/car seat.  We went out on a 2.5 hours monster walk and he was zonked out the entire time.  As I type this he is sleeping in the stroller.  Michelle is getting some much needed solo shut eye.  I am just keeping quiet.  We will be working on remedying the issue.

Atticus got circumcised yesterday.  It's not the scream fest from 30 years ago.  They numb the area first.  It still can cause discomfort.  Atticus did cry a little when it happened.  He was a little fussy immediately after it.  Michelle didn't care for it.  She and I had some long discussions before deciding to do it.  There are a variety of health and aesthetic reasons to do it.  Still, the fact is you don't have to do it.  So putting your infant through that is not the best time.  The good news, is that Atticus seemed totally normal after an hour.

Atticus also only dropped 2 ounces, since birth which is really good.  He is eating very well.  They said his bite is very strong.  Michelle has a book ,that describes Atticus as a "Barracuda" feeder.  He really attacks the nipple and causes Michelle some discomfort.

I guess that is it for now.  Lots of errands to run.  My Mom is arriving tomorrow.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sleep time

A choice to make..(video)

The Choice

No reply

I am new to this blogging thing.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to comment on other people's comments.  There must be a way but it appears that since I am the Administrator I can't.  So sorry for no responses to any comments.  I do like to read comments on anything I post.  Eventually, I will comment back.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Comfort of a full belly and Mom's shoulder

Official names

Apparently, any of the following names are allowed for Atticus, other than Atticus.

Love muffin
boo bear
sweet baby
my sweet

Atticus's first stroller ride (video)

Atticus's first stroller ride

We took off for a walk around the neighborhood to discuss a wide range of topics.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Late day sun-belly filled-nap time

Jaundice Update 2

I literally posted the first jaundice update and the phone rang.  It was Atticus's Pediatrician.  He said, that the levels were good and that as long as nothing suddenly changed by Monday (our appointment), the jaundice episode has come to a close.  Apparently, on Thursday Atticus's level was at 8.6 which is quite high.  But as of today, it was only at 12.  The doctor said, he would have expected it to be at 15 or 16 if there was a problem.  I would like to thank all the people responsible for this victory.  Michelle Ross, who we have come to expect to dominate.  Her hardcore 2 hour feeding cycle helped to clear the meconium rapidly out of Atticus's system.  Atticus for eating and pooping a lot.  Finally, myself ,for the 1.5 hour walks around the neighborhood, allowing the sunshine to work its magic. 

Jaundice Update

The doctor called this morning, and the results of the first blood test were concerning enough, that we had to go get a second blood test, this morning.  Apparently, there are two kinds of jaundice.  The first jaundice is the very common version that many babies have.  The second jaundice is more worrisome, and if left untreated can cause Nervous System damage.  When we walked in, the waiting room was filled with sick people.  I decided we would wait out in the hall.  Atticus isn't even suppose to be out in public right now.  This is the second time in 3 days we had to do it.  So we waited an hour and they drew blood again.  Atticus, is going to think every day involves some kind of puncture wound at this point.  I am not to worried.  Atticus doesn't pass the smell test.  He looks good and is feeding very well.  He no longer is excreting meconium.  We are currently waiting to hear back from the doctor.  I am hoping we get an all clear today.  The doctor at the blood lab, even said Atticus didn't look jaundice at all. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Atticus photos posted on Flickr

If you are looking to download or make prints of any of these pictures I now have them posted on my flickr site.  You need a flickr account to view them.  I am Sonicmeltdown on  If you need me to invite you as a friend, just give me your e-mail in the comments section,or e-mail me at


Belly time

Atticus waits for all his visitors.  In the meantime he will chew on his shirt.

Atticus is awake! (video)

Atticus is awake!

Michelle makes a brief appearance also in this video!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Final random thoughts on the birth

Let's see...

We took music on an Ipod to play and 2 CD's.  Well they gave us a CD player only and for 13.5 hours we listened to exactly 2 CD's non-stop.  Fleet Foxes by Fleet Foxes and Transfiguration of Vincent by M. Ward.  We need the music to add some distraction.  The cold silence only added to the misery.  We probably heard each album 10 times.  As we were leaving I looked up on the shelf and there were 15 gentle music CD's.

Michelle had nothing left to give at 1AM but still managed to go another 7.5 hours.  I loved Michelle more than anything before Tuesday night.  I now stand in awe of her.

It's shocking women don't die giving birth on a regular basis.  How did any woman survive birth a thousand years ago?

There were times I wanted to scream at the nurse and mid-wife.  They kept telling Michelle she was close.  I could plainly see she wasn't.  If her vital signs had slipped at all, I was going to demand they put her in the hospital.  I so wanted her to give up the natural birth thing.  She made up her mind.  It was a goal and Michelle doesn't miss a goal very often.

The mid-wife said I was, "The strong silent type."  I think they were annoyed with me.  It's not that I didn't offer words of encouragement they just weren't continual.  The truth is, if I had opened my mouth much I would have lost it.  You can't be "the rock" and lose it.  Michelle would make eye contact with me and I would literally start thinking about football not to break down.  I will never be able to fully talk about what it was like.

Despite it all, the look on Michelle's face holding Atticus was magical.  She loved that kid before he was born.  She walked through hell to meet him.

Atticus, I didn't blame you for what happened to your mother.  I didn't care about you for the first ten minutes of your life.  I was just relieved that your mother would no longer have to suffer.  After the ten minutes, I loved you more than anything, other than your mother.  You were a trooper too.  The nurses kept checking your heartbeat after every contraction.  They couldn't believe how calm you were.  Your heartbeat never wavered and that helped Mom keep going.

Holding Atticus for the first time was crazy.  He had more mass than I anticipated.  We sat in the rocking chair and he immediately fell asleep.  He was calm in my arms.  It was a good feeling.  The sun was out and shining on our faces through the window.  We are going to have good times together.


Atticus head shot

Atticus wakes up

Mom and Atticus at doctor

Atticus visits doctor

Exclusive-Atticus Wyatt Riggs first interview (video)

Atticus Wyatt Riggs Interview

Early Labor and Bloomington, Indiana (video)

Official post birth Mother-Son shot for the media

Atticus and Dad's first ever picture

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Atticus comes home

We are home now.  Totally wiped out.  We are going to sleep now.  Talk to others tomorrow if Michelle is up to it.  I'm would be up to it.  Atticus has checked out fine.  Michelle is sore and will be for some weeks.  It's good.  Michelle is really happy.  She might get mad at me if I elaborated.  I want to thank all the well wishes.  It really means alot to both of us.

Michelle and Atticus

Atticus Wyatt Riggs

Happy Birthday Atticus Wyatt Riggs!

Atticus Wyatt Riggs was born at 8:26AM in Tucson, Arizona.  He weighed 9.1 lbs.  He was 22 inches long.  Michelle was in labor for an agonizing 27.5 hours.  If you are looking for a positive review of natural birth it won't be from me.  It was the worst night of my life.  Michelle was amazing.  There are not words for her ability to deal with pain for such a long period.  But in the end, Michelle gave birth to a healthy baby boy.  The first Riggs boy in more than 27 years.  Mother and baby are passed out as I type this.  I can't express how proud I am of Michelle.  Pure warrior.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Update at 6:23pm

No new news.  Still waiting.  Everything is going as expected.

Leaving home

This may be the last post before we welcome the boy into the world.  Michelle's contractions are coming every 3-4 minutes and the intensity has picked up.  She says it isn't horrific pain.  People have varying degrees of pain tolerance.  If Michelle's is very high then maybe these are what others consider "horrific".  Who's to know?  She is presently talking to the mid-wife on the phone.  I have just been informed that we are leaving.  So this might be it!  If I can post at the birth center I will.


Michelle Ross Press Conference Update on labor!

Michelle Ross Update 3-9-2010

Michelle's pregnancy thoughts

Pregnancy thoughts

Breaking News!!!! Michelle is having contractions.

AP-Tucson AZ

As of 8:11AM Mountain Time, Michelle is having contractions about 7 minutes apart.  The boy did good and waited until this morning.  So with any luck this thing is over by midnight.  She seems pretty relaxed.  She is resting in bed.  I am clearly shaken up as you can see by my sitting at the computer posting on this blog.  I also already did some yard work.  Uploading a video from several weeks back to get you in the mood.  I like to keep my followers satiated.  Check back for other updates.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Some progress

Michelle is having what might be described as contractions about 45 minutes apart.  That doesn't mean anything is imminent but it is better than nothing.  It could still be a couple days.  I am thinking Wednesday.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday March 6, 2010

Due date Today! (sigh) It doesn't mean it's going to happen.

We went downtown for the day.  Started off at B-Line and then took a long walk around Tucson.  I don't want to say downtown is a hole but....  Still it was an urban jungle hike.  Walking is suppose to help induce labor.  It did not.  We also walked around campus.  Then we finished it off with Greek food.  Here is a picture from today.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Nothing new

Still no baby.  It's a boring post but at least you are up to date.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All's quiet on the baby front

No news to speak of.  If desire played a role, then Michelle would have had the baby 3 days ago.  As it is, we are on standby.  I worked until 2:30AM last night and am exhausted.  So that is your update for now.