Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jaundice Update

The doctor called this morning, and the results of the first blood test were concerning enough, that we had to go get a second blood test, this morning.  Apparently, there are two kinds of jaundice.  The first jaundice is the very common version that many babies have.  The second jaundice is more worrisome, and if left untreated can cause Nervous System damage.  When we walked in, the waiting room was filled with sick people.  I decided we would wait out in the hall.  Atticus isn't even suppose to be out in public right now.  This is the second time in 3 days we had to do it.  So we waited an hour and they drew blood again.  Atticus, is going to think every day involves some kind of puncture wound at this point.  I am not to worried.  Atticus doesn't pass the smell test.  He looks good and is feeding very well.  He no longer is excreting meconium.  We are currently waiting to hear back from the doctor.  I am hoping we get an all clear today.  The doctor at the blood lab, even said Atticus didn't look jaundice at all. 

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