Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Two-week Stats

Atticus had his two-week appointment with the pediatrician today. He weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds 0.5 ounces, almost exactly a pound up from his birth weight. According to the pediatrician and the sources I've consulted, most babies are just now getting back to their birth weight at this point, after having lost 6-8 ounces in the first week. Not our power feeder. It looks like I need to start getting back to my weekly chiropractic visits very soon. He measured 22 1/2 inches long today.

In other news, Atticus and I had our first lunch date since his birth. We met my lovely coworkers Eleanor and Deb at a non-crowded lunch spot to help ensure he doesn't come into contact with too many germy people just yet. Lunch time is nap time for Atticus, so he was out cold the whole time. It was so good for me to get out of the house today and socialize with adults. Thanks E and D!

Happy two-week birthday my love!


  1. Glad you were able to get out and about. And good news on Atticus 2 week update! We are looking forward to our visit.

  2. Sounds like Atticus is doing just great!!! Yeah Mom!!!
