Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jaundice Update 2

I literally posted the first jaundice update and the phone rang.  It was Atticus's Pediatrician.  He said, that the levels were good and that as long as nothing suddenly changed by Monday (our appointment), the jaundice episode has come to a close.  Apparently, on Thursday Atticus's level was at 8.6 which is quite high.  But as of today, it was only at 12.  The doctor said, he would have expected it to be at 15 or 16 if there was a problem.  I would like to thank all the people responsible for this victory.  Michelle Ross, who we have come to expect to dominate.  Her hardcore 2 hour feeding cycle helped to clear the meconium rapidly out of Atticus's system.  Atticus for eating and pooping a lot.  Finally, myself ,for the 1.5 hour walks around the neighborhood, allowing the sunshine to work its magic. 

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