Saturday, March 20, 2010

Great Nanny Fly's In

Michelle's Grandma flew into Tucson today.  She kept exclaiming how cute Atticus is.  It was a busy day for Atticus.  He was passed around by 3 grandparents all day.  We had a nice visit.  Michelle opened all her presents from the Ross baby shower.  We want to thank everyone for all the nice gifts.  Jimmy and I stood out and watched the Blue Angels, performing in the distance.  It wasn't all fun though.  Mom cleaned our bathroom and all the windows.  Jimmy installed a stylish overhead light in Atticus's room.  I cooked dinner on the grill.  Granny, Jimmy, and I cleaned up after the meal.  Michelle, Atticus, and I crashed on the couch, watching House Hunters, after everyone left.

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