Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Leaving home

This may be the last post before we welcome the boy into the world.  Michelle's contractions are coming every 3-4 minutes and the intensity has picked up.  She says it isn't horrific pain.  People have varying degrees of pain tolerance.  If Michelle's is very high then maybe these are what others consider "horrific".  Who's to know?  She is presently talking to the mid-wife on the phone.  I have just been informed that we are leaving.  So this might be it!  If I can post at the birth center I will.



  1. I'm impressed that she can 'talk' to the midwife on the phone. Leon was in charge of all communication once my contractions hit 1 min long 3 min apart for an hour.

  2. you are in my constant thoughts. thanks for calling me....i was w client<but i am connected to you both
