Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reverse sleep patterns and circumcision

We had it relatively good the first couple of nights with Atticus.  That changed Monday night.  Atticus was at his most alert during the night.  That makes for less sleep for everyone, especially Mom.  Atticus, also has taken to only wanting to sleep on Mom at night.  The day is quite a bit different.  He crashes out for hours in the stroller/car seat.  We went out on a 2.5 hours monster walk and he was zonked out the entire time.  As I type this he is sleeping in the stroller.  Michelle is getting some much needed solo shut eye.  I am just keeping quiet.  We will be working on remedying the issue.

Atticus got circumcised yesterday.  It's not the scream fest from 30 years ago.  They numb the area first.  It still can cause discomfort.  Atticus did cry a little when it happened.  He was a little fussy immediately after it.  Michelle didn't care for it.  She and I had some long discussions before deciding to do it.  There are a variety of health and aesthetic reasons to do it.  Still, the fact is you don't have to do it.  So putting your infant through that is not the best time.  The good news, is that Atticus seemed totally normal after an hour.

Atticus also only dropped 2 ounces, since birth which is really good.  He is eating very well.  They said his bite is very strong.  Michelle has a book ,that describes Atticus as a "Barracuda" feeder.  He really attacks the nipple and causes Michelle some discomfort.

I guess that is it for now.  Lots of errands to run.  My Mom is arriving tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The whole circumcision thing made me a little nervous at first, when I had Luke. Fortunately, it heals in just a few days, and as long as you keep vaseline on the tip, the baby won't even know what's going on.
    After Benjamin had his, he just slept. He's all healed up now, and his parts look great!
    (Is it weird to say that about my baby's penis???)
